Sounds familiar
Sound familiar it's like in some platform game when th time is running out but still awsome!!!
Sounds familiar
Sound familiar it's like in some platform game when th time is running out but still awsome!!!
This is good but i think its hard to write a rap text to this
Thanks a lot. But meh.... Maybe you're right.
Good but kinda slow
This is good but it's slow and sad is that hip hop?
I've heard emotional hip hop songs before. And what else do you wanna cll this?
It is fun but...
It is just so boring in some kind a way it needs more speed more party style like if the sound is like dik it would be like dik dik dik dikadik that is a little more fun but you should still make music :)
Yeah just learning
This song is relaxing and reminds you off a sad memory this is really nice work.
you might like a few others if you like this one, "A Time to Heal" and "Savior" are also really relaxing.
Wow Great song and funny
Joined on 5/5/08